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Chronic Fatigue

By August 31, 2015April 17th, 2018Blog, Fatigue

Chanhassen_chronic_fatigue_doctorYour Chanhassen chronic fatigue doctor at Abundant Life Chiropractic Health Center knows what you’re going through: restless nights, poor sleep patterns, seemingly endless napping sessions, etc. It’s as if your whole body shuts down to the point where you feel exhausted at any and/or all times of the day or night. You want to feel energized and rested but something’s wrong and you just can’t…

Some of the signs and symptoms of chronic fatigue may include a low grade fever and chills along with headaches, muscle/joint aches (without swelling), and feeling like you’re “in a fog.” Because you’re not getting sleep that feels refreshing, you may not be able to easily concentrate or remember things.

When you have misalignments in your body, called “subluxations,” it’s no wonder you need your Chanhassen chronic fatigue doctor to help you feel better. With hands-on manipulation, the chiropractor can align your spine and other body parts so that everything “flows” as intended. By preventing blockages in your system, you won’t feel so tired all the time.

Recent research has found that traumatic neck injury (whiplash, concussion, etc.) can be a risk factor for chronic fatigue onset. Following a spinal injury, pain and fatigue symptoms can be triggered immediately or they can take months or years to develop. Chiropractic care’s purpose, then, is to reverse the trauma-induced injury. Your Chanhassen chronic fatigue doctor works at reducing irritation to the nerves in the brainstem and spinal cord that can trigger pain, neuromuscular dysfunction, and fatigue.

Do you feel exhausted all the time such that it’s negatively affecting your everyday life? There is hope and healing– chiropractic care can be a godsend to those who want to get rid of chronic fatigue.

For an appointment to discuss your problems, call 952-300-8338 to connect with your Chanhassen chronic fatigue doctor at Abundant Life Chiropractic.