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According to the biological theory of digestion, there are enzymes in your body specific for the digestion of all kinds of foods you put into your mouth. That is the theory, though, in reality, we have all been through a faulty digestion process. A faulty digestion process begets stomach inflammation and many other types of stomach upsets. The changes to the food processing and the preparation of food, as well as our lifestyle, can result in digestion issues in your stomach. It is advisable to avoid meat with high-fat content to help avoid indigestion. This article will provide an in-depth outline of the foods that can help you boost digestion and prevent inflammation.

Before we look at the foods that are generally great for digestion, it will be great to know how to avoid getting into the murk in the first place. We shall, therefore, start by looking at the foods that increase chances of inflammation and digestion problems.


Foods to avoid because of inflammation

Dried foods and foods that are high in fats should be avoided as much as possible. These foods are responsible for many cases of acid influx in the body in addition to the heartburn issues. Pale colored stool, which is a condition commonly referred to as steatorrhea, results when you consume a lot of high-fat foods. If you have an irritable bowel syndrome, then you need to avoid butter, cream, and foods with a high-fat content.

Chili pepper is a staple spice which can really irritate your esophagus, ultimately leading to heartburns.  You should avoid chili pepper if you happen to be suffering from an irritable bowel syndrome and chronic heartburn.

Diarrhea, abdominal bloating and gas characterize individuals who are lactose intolerant. Ensure you keep away from dairy products if you are lactose intolerant.

The foods listed above are the worsts foods for digestion in the cases stipulated. We shall go further ahead and learn about the foods which if consumed, can help you to boost digestion. The nutritional expert provides us with a range of recommendations, but the common themes include vegetables, fiber, and fruits. When planning your daily nutritional plan, aim to achieve the following;

  • Probiotics
  • Omega Foods
  • Diet rich in fiber
  • Enzymes
  • Wholesome foods

A regular meal and snack make your digestion to stay active. This goes a long way in helping you to prevent influx.

  1. Probiotics

Prebiotic and probiotic are great foods to boost your digestion. Probiotics for those who don’t know refers to the live active bacterial cultures which are found primarily in soy and dairy related products.  These colonize inside your gut and help to keep the harmful bacteria at bay. Since the stay of these probiotics is limited, you are recommended to eat them on a regular basis.

The non-digestible fibers which nourish healthful bacteria are known as prebiotics. Inside your colon, the prebiotics is fermented. The process of fermentation creates a healthy environment inside your stomach. If you want to regular bowel movements, then you should take prebiotics and probiotics on a regular basis.

  1. Peppermint

Peppermint is great. You can rely on peppermint to lower abdominal cramping. Individuals usually experience abdominal cramping after taking a meal. You can find enteric-coated peppermint in almost any shop. You can take peppermint before eating a meal. This will help you reduce the abdominal cramping.

Care should be taken, though. Some people may not react well to peppermint. It is reported that peppermint may cause an increase in acid reflux.

  1. Plant based diet

If most of the food on your plate is mainly composed of vegetables, whole grains, and fruits, you are on the course of helping to boost your digestion. For those of us who love a vegetarian diet, you will find soy to be a great alternative.

In as much as you strive to go high on plant products, take small amounts of animal proteins. Animal proteins such as fish, milk, poultry, cheese, and meat are crucial to your body. It is advisable to include the in your diet although in small quantities.

Foods that contribute to inflammation are also the worst foods for our body. You should try and limit the amount of the following foods in your diet;

  • Margarine
  • Red meat
  • Soda
  • French fries
  • Refined carbohydrates

There are a good number of foods which are great for you if you are looking to combat inflammation.

  1. Nuts as anti-inflammatory foods

Nuts are great if you are looking to avoid inflammation. The reduction of inflammation goes a long way in helping you to avoid chronic illnesses. Nuts also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Besides reducing inflammation, you can rely on nuts to keep diabetes at bay.

We also have different types of nuts. Not all nuts are great as anti-inflammatory foods. Cashew nuts are good sources of plant protein. If you want to increase omega-3 in your diet, then include lots of walnuts. Omega-3-6-9 are great for digestion. Omega- and Omega-6 are categorized as polyunsaturated fats. You need to strike a balance between your Omega-6 and Omega-3 in your body. Generally, the best way to maintain a good balance is to ensure that for every 2 grams of Omega-6, you get 1 gram of Omega-3. Almonds are also a good choice for nuts, but you should be careful on macadamias.

Nuts generally have lots of calories and are great sources of nutrients. With some nuts, you will get more Omega-6 inflammatory fats as compared to other nuts. Hence the reason for avoiding them.

  1. Olive oil

People studies support the fact that olive oil helps to reduce inflammation. This is perhaps one of the many reasons why olive oil is used for its great health benefits. Clinical studies have pointed to chronic inflammation as being one of the leading causes of many illnesses. Such illnesses include cancer, cardiovascular ailments, obesity and Alzheimer’s arthritis.

Olive oil contains antioxidants. These antioxidants are the anti-inflammatory mediating compounds. Among the key antioxidants is oleocanthal. The antioxidants are also responsible for inhibiting proteins which drive inflammation. Also, Olive oil helps inhibit some genes which drive inflammation.

Inflammation and indigestion are among the worst discomforts you can suffer. It is always advisable to prevent diseases before they affect you. This is the reason why the foods mentioned above should come first on your dietary plan.  There are tips which one can follow to beat inflammation and work safely around digestion problems easily. Your health provider can always provide you with the best advice about digestion. You can ask for the best anti-inflammatory foods if you are allergic to some food products. This will keep you safe and provide you with several alternatives.

Observe the following tips to maintain a healthy eating habit that will keep inflammation at bay;

  • Drink lots of water
  • Properly chew your food
  • Simple exercises such as a walking after a meal are great for your digestion
  • Avoid poorly absorbed carbs
  • Avoid sodas and eliminate sweetened drinks from your diet.
  • If you must eat bread, make sure it is made from whole grain
  • Chia, acacia, and flax are great for your system
  • Breakfast helps to improve mental functioning.

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